Miss Mustache !


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Smile! Happiness will come eventually. . .


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My Melody

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The Mastermind

Basecode: Lurve
Editor: Nana Euphemia

Vamos Que Vivimos 04-06-2012
Recently a good friend of mine started blogging which came as a mega bomb surprise to me. 
So... since i like her blog so much i would like to introduce it to you guys. Oh, btw... her blog is in Swedish so... that makes it a little complicated for you English readers.
[But i think most of my readers are from Sweden anyways]

She is basically blogging about her daily life, her thoughts, interests and inspirations.
She captures incredible photos with her camera, which makes her a halfway pro-photographer.
Aaaand once she pushed me SO HARD that i swallowed my gum... Yes, instant superpower indeed...

Click on the picture!